Video Details

The Cutting Edge - (1992)

PG Comedy • 101 min
Two former Olympians, one a figure skater and the other a hockey player, pin their hopes of one last shot at Olympic glory on one another. That is, of course, if they can keep from killing each other in the process...
Paul Michael Glaser
PG Comedy • 101 min
Two former Olympians, one a figure skater and the other a hockey player, pin their hopes of one last shot at Olympic glory on one another. That is, of course, if they can keep from killing each other in the process...
The ultimate love/skate relationship
  1. D.B. Sweeney

    Doug Dorsey

  2. Roy Dotrice

    Anton Pamchenko

  3. Terry O'Quinn

    Jack Moseley

  4. Moira Kelly

    Kate Moseley

  5. Dwier Brown

    Hale Forrest

  6. Barry Flatman

    Rick Tuttle

  7. Nahanni Johnstone


  8. Michael Hogan


  9. R.D. Reid

    Calgary Cop

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