Video Details

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - (2001)

PG-13 Adventure • 100 min
English aristocrat Lara Croft is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in the middle of a battle with a secret society. The shapely archaeologist moonlights as a tomb raider to recover lost antiquities and meets her match in the evil Powell, who's in search of a powerful relic.
Simon West
PG-13 Adventure • 100 min
English aristocrat Lara Croft is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in the middle of a battle with a secret society. The shapely archaeologist moonlights as a tomb raider to recover lost antiquities and meets her match in the evil Powell, who's in search of a powerful relic.
Born into Wealth. Groomed by the Elite. Trained for Combat.
  1. Angelina Jolie

    Lara Croft

  2. Daniel Craig

    Alex West

  3. Jon Voight

    Lord Richard Croft

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