Video Details

Listen to Me - (1989)

PG-13 Romance • 107 min
It was the best time of their lives. A kid from Oklahoma. An immigrant's daughter. A senator's son, a society girl, and a college professor with a dream. They had one thing in common...the will to win. A group of college debaters learn about the world, friendships, love, dreams and family.
Douglas Day Stewart
PG-13 Romance • 107 min
It was the best time of their lives. A kid from Oklahoma. An immigrant's daughter. A senator's son, a society girl, and a college professor with a dream. They had one thing in common...the will to win. A group of college debaters learn about the world, friendships, love, dreams and family.
It's about real life.
  1. Jami Gertz

    Monica Tomanski

  2. Tim Quill

    Garson McKeller

  3. Kirk Cameron

    Tucker Muldowney

  4. Roy Scheider

    Charlie Nichols

  5. Amanda Peterson

    Donna Lumis

  6. Christopher Atkins

    Bruce Arlington

  7. George Wyner

    Dean Schwimmer

  8. Anthony Zerbe

    Senator McKellar

  9. Yeardley Smith


  10. Quinn Cummings

    Susan Hooper

  11. Jason Gould


  12. Moon Unit Zappa


  13. Dan Schneider

    Nathan Gore

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