Video Details

Draft Day - (2014)

PG-13 Drama • 110 min
At the NFL Draft, general manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams.
Ivan Reitman
PG-13 Drama • 110 min
At the NFL Draft, general manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he's willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams.
The greatest victories don't always happen on the field.
  1. Wade Williams


  2. Denis Leary

    Vince Penn

  3. Alex Ziwak

    ESPN Camera Man (uncredited)

  4. Terry Crews

    Earl Jennings

  5. Kevin Costner

    Sonny Weaver Jr.

  6. Jim Brown


  7. Kevin Dunn


  8. Wallace Langham

    Pete Begler

  9. Josh Pence

    Bo Callahan

  10. Joe Fishel

    College Football Official (uncredited)

  11. Gary A. Jones

    VIP Party Guest (uncredited)

  12. Jennifer Garner

    Ali Parker

  13. Sam Elliott

    Coach Moore

  14. Patrick St. Esprit

    Tom Michaels

  15. Patrick Breen

    Bill Zotti

  16. Pat Healy

    Jeff Carson

  17. Frank Langella

    Anthony Molina

  18. Sean Combs

    Chris Crawford

  19. Ellen Burstyn

    Barb Weaver

  20. Chadwick Boseman

    Vontae Mack

  21. Rosanna Arquette


  22. W. Earl Brown

    Ralph Mowry

  23. Brad William Henke

    Tony ‘Bagel’ Bagli

  24. Chi McBride

    Walt Gordon

  25. Griffin Newman

    Rick the Intern

  26. David Ramsey


  27. Timothy Simons


  28. Tom Welling

    Brian Drew

  29. Chris Berman


  30. Christopher Mele

    War Room Scout

  31. Leilani Barrett

    War Room Scout

  32. Aswan Harris

    War Room Intern

  33. Laura Steinel


  34. Christopher Cousins

    Max Stone

  35. Erin Darke

    Seahawks Fan

  36. Quincy Dunn-Baker

    Seahawks Fan

  37. Rich Eisen


  38. John Heffernan


  39. Ray Lewis


  40. Stephen Hill

    Roger Sparks

  41. Sophie Guest

    Brian Drew's Daughter

  42. Alex Marvez


  43. Tina Grimm

    Party Guest (Uncredited)

  44. Brian Haley

    NFL Commissioner (uncredited)

  45. Amechi Okocha

    Ohio State University Football Player (uncredited)

  46. Kristephan Warren-Stevens

    Jacksonville Jaguars Scout

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